CAA Niagara has been offering group tour departures since 1997 and they have continued to grow in popularity since then. Last year alone 110 day tours, 23 multi-day tours and 6 solo tours operated,...
CAA Niagara has been offering group tour departures since 1997 and they have continued to grow in popularity since then. Last year alone 110 day tours, 23 multi-day tours and 6 solo tours operated,...
The Journeys Team (from left: Rachel, Lois, Danielle, Erin).
The Journeys by CAA Niagara team is a very passionate bunch. With nearly 50 years combined at CAA Niagara, they bring their love for...
Journeys by CAA Niagara is your gateway to exploration. Journeys provides passengers expanded options to ensure each trip is the journey of a lifetime! Passengers often fit into more than one travel...
If you’ve been playing any of the games we’ve released over the last two months, chances are you’ve learned a little bit about Canada. Now it’s time to put all your Canadian knowledge to work as you...
As the second-largest country in the world, it’s no surprise that we also have so many great cities to visit. Some of them are internationally known while others are hidden gems. Regardless, they are...
The summer months are often associated with fun times outdoors. For a lot of us, this includes road trips and camping. Ontario is filled with beautiful parks, campgrounds and trails – and we should...
Member Service
Roadside Assistance
Niagara Region: 1-800-263-3616
Canada & US: 1-800-222-4357
or *222
CAA Niagara serves Members in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. If you live outside the Niagara Region, visit the CAA National website to find the CAA club that serves you. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.
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